Trader Joe’s Hot Smoked Scottish Salmon Reviews

(11 customer reviews)

Antibiotic-free, farm raised, smoked over hardwood.


11 reviews for Trader Joe’s Hot Smoked Scottish Salmon Reviews

  1. Peter S.

    This was a very disappointing product. I’m not sure why it’s called “Smoked Salmon” because there was zero smoke flavor. The fish itself was *very* fishy. There are far better hot-smoked products on the shelves at TJ’s.

  2. Prashant

    LOL @ Peter S. I purchased this product along with the other Hot Smoked Salmon Fillet (delicious, btw) and disappointing is an understatement!

  3. MaureenCL

    Two words: cat food

  4. David R.

    All Summer I’ve been buying these. They have been really good, and I have smoked my share of fish over the decades. But its nice to just buy some when you haven’t fished.

    Well all Summer it was made right. Dry, Flaky, and lots of deep flavor. But this week I purchased a few packs, and it was more like eating something that was cooked in the oven. Mushy. Not Flaky. And not much flavor! Why does Trader Joes cut corners? My guess is they figured they could have them on the rack for a shorter period and get much more product out. Well, that just ruins what smoked Salmon is supposed to be!

    Luckily I NOW know what to watch for. You can SEE the difference through the clear packaging. There shouldn’t be so many juices flowing on properly smoked Salmon! I won’t be buying any more of this quick made Smoked Salmon until its made Right again! I really do hope TJ’s fixes it because when its made right, its worth buying. I have to wonder if some of the above complaints are of people who have gotten the same, even tho the dates are a year ago? Maybe TJ’s fixed the preparation then but now its fallen back into rushing it? Whatever the reason, please fix. It is delicious when made right! 🙂

  5. David

    I don’t see any juices flowing on my salmon like the most recent user commented. Only nice Omega 3 oil. I guess I might have got a good batch. This is the first time purchasing it, I’m from the Bay Area. The only thing I can think of complaining about is the skin that is loosely attached. I took a bite of the skin to test the texture and I didn’t like it at all. It was like biting into plastic. That is my only complaint and the price is expensive at $5.99 for 5 oz. but I was craving something to go with my afternoon Covid-19 white wine.

  6. TomB

    Nicely smoked. Not overbearing, but strong enough. Mostly dry, but still moist. No irritating pin bones.

    We ate with and without cream cheese. Will definitely buy again.

  7. Denise

    I LOVE THIS! I don’t know the ins and outs of smoking salmon, and my eyes glaze over when you debate hot vs cold smoking techniques. All I know is that this is the ONLY SMOKED SALMON WITHOUT BROWN SUGAR as the second or third ingredient!
    Some of us watch our sugar intake.
    This is delectable. It is NOT lox. This is moist omega-rich salmon, delicious day or night. And the skin, when broiled, is a delicasy in Japanese custom and for me and many others.

  8. KLD77

    I recently purchased this. I just got into smoked fish so I wanted to give it a try. It was super dry but somehow swimming in its juices on the outside of the product. All moisture must have been sucked out of it. Very little smoke flavor and overall bland. Disappointing purchase but I guess that’s why it’s so much cheaper than other hot smoked salmons out there. Will not be buying again, blech!

  9. LillyG

    Awful. Fishy, dry. Tried it 3x and all times were the same disappointment.

  10. jasterspeaks

    Soupy but actually dry. It has this wetness surrounding the product but then the fish is dry. And fishy/not fresh tasting. Little-to-no smoke flavor. It is a very “cheap” smoked salmon product and I guess I now know why.

  11. FoxTrot2331

    What’s going on here? I’ve tried this three times and it’s honestly one of the worst things I’ve tasted. As everyone else is saying, it’s fishy, etc. It tastes like it has been frozen 3x or more.

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