Trader Joe’s Cage Free Fresh Hard Cooked Peeled Eggs Reviews

(27 customer reviews)


27 reviews for Trader Joe’s Cage Free Fresh Hard Cooked Peeled Eggs Reviews

  1. Jay M

    First time buying these (2/17/22) The use by date says 3/21/22 – clearly, plenty of time before they should be bad. However, I just snacked on one and it is very bitter. There’s no discoloration or smell. They appear fresh. But that taste is awful! I’m familiar with ferrous sulfide but that’s never been a significant bitter taste. These eggs are likely very well cooked so perhaps that’s the reason? I really don’t want to get sick.

  2. Rose M.

    Same as Jay, these did not taste right at all. It’s odd because, how do you make a hard boiled egg taste wrong? Trader Joe’s is usually my go to, but I am going to take these back.

  3. Sarah

    Just bought these the other day. Expiration date 3/22/22. Had the same issue as Jay and Rose. Very bitter taste. They smell fine. The whites are very thin and detached from the yolk and really rubbery. Very odd, never seen that before. Had to throw away. Not sure if they’re safe to eat.

  4. Liz

    Same problem here, they look fine and smell fine but the taste once you bite into one and taste it, it’s bitter. Such a weird taste!!!! EW!

  5. Rachel

    I bought these yesterday and they are horrible. The have a very odd texture, almost like carbonation. I thought maybe it was a preservative but the only ingredient listed is egg. I won’t risk another bite!

  6. Laura

    Same as above. Smell ok but tasted awful. Odd, zingy/bitter flavor in the yolk

  7. Anonymous

    nasty asfffffff

  8. Sasha

    Tasted them for the first time today, 12-5-2022 and they have the sulfer taste. So bitter. So disappointed.

  9. Howard

    Bought eggs Sun. 12/18/22 expiration date 1/17/23. They smell HORRIBLE. Not sulfur, but vinagerish smell. Took them out of bag and rinsed and soaked….still smell bad. My dog won’t even eat them and he usually loves hard boiled eggs. I’ve been shopping at TJs since 1983 and WOULD NOT recommend these to anyone.

  10. Kathleen Tessner

    I bought my eggs, 11/26/2022 expired 12/26/2022 they were ok, but I mixed it with Avocado spread guacamole. Better taste also was ok, with a little pepper and everything but the bagel seasoning. I don’t even like my own hard boiled eggs, plain. Cage free also. So I just doctored them up. Was good tasting then. My family liked them too. Just with pepper and sea salt.

  11. Anonymous

    I bought these yesterday, 1/3/23, and they don’t expire for several weeks and I had the same zingy/carbonated experience as described in other reviews. I googled TJ Hardboiled Eggs just to see if anyone else said the same thing. I will likely toss and never buy again.

  12. Angela

    Really bad zing / vinegar / carbonation type thing. Never had that with other brands. Would not recommend.

  13. Asia Latoya

    They taste carbonated. Like my tongue started to tingle.

  14. Embarassed

    Bought six bags of these to make deviled eggs with for a dinner party i was hosting last minute. Everyone that ate them had diarrhea at my house but no one said anything until the next day – after my boyfriend and i had already hit them up for round two. Our stomachs are still not back to normal.

  15. Embarassed

    Bought six bags of these to make deviled eggs with for a dinner party i was hosting last minute. Everyone that ate them had diarrhea at my house but no one said anything until the next day – after my boyfriend and i had already hit them up for round two. Our stomachs are still not back to normal.

  16. G Allen

    They were great for deviled eggs and tasted good.
    Will buy them again.

  17. Toma

    horrid taste, very bitter and the smell is not all over my house.

  18. Violet

    These taste rubbery and they’re flavorless. Avoid!

  19. Lim

    Yup bought a bag yesterday with more than a month to go on expiration date. Ate one last night and it had the same carbonation taste everyone’s talking about. Didn’t think too much of it at the time but this morning i started feeling itchy all over. Later in the afternoon hives started break out. Now my hands are swollen red and super itchy. I am a grown woman with high pain tolerance but i want to cry right now. I haven’t got hives in decades! What the heck is going on with these eggs?

  20. Tina

    These had a vinegar taste , not expired . At least say that’s what they’re boiled in if that’s how they prepare them. Never have come across this . Won’t be buying these again.

  21. Alle

    I had bought these before and they tasted awful but I assumed it was just a mistake, but when I bought them for the second time they still were just as bad, they have an odd flavor that I have no clue how it could even happen and even weirder is the fact that you can barely eat them because they seem to fizz/ burn in your mouth, why would this even happen though?

  22. V

    I normally buy prepackaged hard boiled eggs from target, but I happened to be at Trader Joe’s and saw they had the same thing, so I bought two bags to save me a trip to target. I just ate one and immediately went to Google to see if other people had the same experience I just had, and it looks like it’s pretty consistent. The bag was pretty odorous as soon as I opened it, but I didn’t think that was abnormal for a sealed bag full of eggs. However, as soon as I took a bite, something immediately was off. Similar tingling on my tongue that others have described, weird carbonated/sulfuric taste from the yolk. The bags’ expiration date is weeks away. These definitely don’t feel safe to eat.

  23. Angie

    I just had one and they smelled and tasted a little sour and now my guts hurt.

  24. Ari

    I’ve always described these as “carbonated eggs” so I’m glad it wasn’t just me. I still don’t know how they manage that particular effect, but I’m lazy and protein is protein. They’re fine with salt and pepper. I’ve probably been through 10+ bags in the past 6 months with no problems. If you like the tingly feeling of soda, even better!

  25. Jennifer

    Just bought them today to take on an early flight tomorrow morning. No smell- thought great these will be perfect. That is until I tasted them! Yuck – Then I googled them and “weird taste “ was first hit. Sad as this could have been my go to but I see I am not alone with the bad taste. You are to consume eggs within 7 days of boiling. Do they rinse them in something to try and keep them fresh?

  26. Tracy Smith

    Yep. Like every one else. They smell like an 80’s perm and taste strange. I eat eggs daily, and there is something really off about these.

  27. Chris

    Smelled like the arm pit of Ba’al. Choked two down doused in salt. (Didn’t want to waste chicken berries) Laying here I can feel them trying to escape up my esophagus. Never again.

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